Company News


Be strong!

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2020/2/28 17:15:00 frequency:

Our country suffered Coronvirus unfortunately. 
Deepest gratitude to all doctors, nurses and health care providers who are fighting the war against the coronavirus.

In such period, we stay positive. We responded the states appeal, stayed home to reduce the contact with others for nearly one month.
Then lucky to our city, we’re allowed to return to work by government since Feb 10th. Our production is going normally now except some special material bags.

Our government said the situation has developed in a positive direction thanks to the great efforts made by medical workers and people across the nation.

Everything here is back to normal gradually and we trust our government is able to bring things back on track soon.

 Our factory donated 2000pc protection suit for epidemic prevention people. 

We take temperature for each person each morning. 

We eat lunch separately and quickly. Not allowed to speak during lunch time.

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  • Copyright:Weihai Haodong Packaging Co., Ltd.